The path is yours to walk

ensure that you control the direction

Back in the golden age of tinfoil hat "theory" the concern was that they are stealing my thoughts. Well , welcome to the new world, where it is so much easier implanting thoughts to tell you what to think, what to do, what to buy, WHO to beleive in, where to go, and when to do it all. We are all exposed daily to overt obvious methods of influence so pervasive that it just accepted as normal. Do not go through life with your eyes closed sleepwalking and distracted, blindly following the heard. You life, your future, your choice, so choose wisely.

We are in a resources boom from data, information, knowledge, skill, understanding, wisdom, AI. The downside is that we are the resource not the beneficiary. The modern trinkets and shiny objects of desire are tools of the masters. They provide instant gratification and addiction to maintain compliance and control. Many of these devices have other functions that may be to our detriment. While these functions will not be obvious, except for those "skilled in the art", they are there. Many of these unknown device functions will be synergystic in nature, aparently benign if examind in isolation, but when operated in a coordinated and controled manner very powerful to those in control. The newer support infrasturcture created for these objects of desire is far worse than the devices themselves, allowing access to those without shiny trinkets.

Even off the Grid

you can still identified and classified

They are watching

Run. Stay. Hide. Pray. What is the point, they control the media. They see what you see. They know what you do, and what you intend to do. Do not allow them to force you into a situation or action that they control. Yes this is a circus and we are the main act.

Step into the Light

To survive you may feel you need to be a grey man, but you should do you utmost to inform others of what is realy happening in our world. You can do this in safety and in anonymity, just use the right tools. There are two sides and no fence in this game, so get to it.

Make a Plan

Find the time. Find your space. Collect your thoughts. Relax and put pen to paper. Use lots of paper, spread them out to see what order makes sense. Now share. Just incase you did not know, click on one of the social media links below.